Canon EF 200mm f/2.8 L II USM Specifications | |
Frame Coverage | 35mm |
Lens Construction (groups) | 7 |
Lens Construction (elements) | 9 |
No. of Diaphragm Blades | 8 |
Minimum Aperture | 32 |
Closest Focusing Distance | 1.5m (59.1") |
Maximum Magnifcation | .16x |
Filter Diameter | 72mm |
Maximum Diameter x Length | 83.2mm x 136.2mm (3.3" x 5.4") |
Weight | 765g (27oz) |
The 200mm ƒ/2.8 offers exceptional performance for sharpness at ƒ/2.8, on both APS-C and full-frame test bodies (7D and 1Ds Mark III respectively). While it's not tack-sharp wide open, results are still very good indeed; there's slight improvement at ƒ/4, but by ƒ/5.6 it's sharp all over and stays that way through to ƒ/11 where diffraction limiting has begun to set in.
The EF 200mm f/2.8 L USM II is capable of delivering a near-flawless performance in most aspects. It provides a very high resolution combined with an excellent contrast straight from f/2.8. The lateral CAs are very low which contributes to the high sharpness perception. The global peak quality is reached around f/5.6.
Petteri Sulonen
The Primepipe is without any doubt the most consistent lens I've ever shot. Wide-open or stopped-down, near-infinity or at minimum focus distance; center or corner... makes no difference. I really tried to tease out artifacts, but they simply wouldn't show. Shoot it as you like, the lens will add no variables to the picture: no need to stop down to get rid of artifacts or maximize sharpness.
Peter Kun Frary
The EF 200 2.8L USM is small, light, tough, discreet, fast and delivers optical quality in spades. For discriminating hikers, travelers and amateurs this lens deliverers quality without breaking their shoulder (and bank) and can take the knocks they dish out. Plus, it works equally well with both film and digital bodies.
If you require f/2.8 at 200 and can't afford the more versatile Canon EF 70-200mm f/2.8 L USM Lens or the Canon EF 70-200mm f/2.8 L IS USM Lens, the Canon EF 200mm f 2.8 L II USM Lens is the right choice. These zoom lenses are also larger, heavier and more obvious when in use.