Canon EF 200mm f/1.8 L USM Specifications | |
Frame Coverage | 35mm |
Lens Construction (groups) | 10 |
Lens Construction (elements) | 12 |
No. of Diaphragm Blades | 8 |
Minimum Aperture | 22 |
Closest Focusing Distance | 2.5m (98.4") |
Maximum Magnifcation | .09x |
Filter Diameter | 48mm (rear gel) |
Maximum Diameter x Length | 130mm x 208mm (5.1" x 8.2") |
Weight | 3000g (105.8oz) |
Ready to buy?
Is this a perfect lens? Optically, probably very close. This is not a lens that you can carry around and take pictures without any support for hours. Ergonomically, the lens is a tad unbalanced on a monopod, my favorite support setup when using this lens. The lens collar is mounted quite a bit towards the front end of the lens; although the front element is huge, depending on the camera you use, it still doesn't provide a well-balanced setup.
The Canon EF 200mm f/1.8 L USM Lens is sharp wide open and extremely sharp stopped down to f/2.8. Corner performance is excellent. The ISO 12233 Resolution Chart sample crops for this lens were carefully shot twice (using AF, MF and lots of bracketing each time). The first test results were repeated in the second test. I shot the test twice because I expected this lens to be sharper wide open in the center. My actual-use confirms these results - My 300 f/2.8 IS and 400 f/2.8 IS lenses are sharper in the center wide open.